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    Adobe Premiere Pro – Essentials 3 Days | 21 hours | $1190 PLUS TAX

    In this workshop, you will learn everything you need to know about cutting with Premiere Pro, interacting dynamically with other Adobe applications, and outputting to multiple formats. We’ll practice core editing skills, workflows, and technologies professional editors use every day to produce media for broadcast television, DVD, and the web. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills. 



    • » Touring the interface and workspaces

    Setting up and Organizing your Media

    • » Asset organization: Getting set up
    • » Importing media
    • » Organizing your assets
    • » Moving, copying, and deleting assets

    Basic Editing

    • » Basic editing: Laying the foundation
    • » Playing and marking shots
    • » Subclipping shots
    • » Setting up a sequence
    • » Performing insert edits
    • » Moving clips and swapping shots
    • » Removing material for concision
    • » Adding video b-roll

    Refining the Edit: Using Trim Tools

    • » Trimming: Fine-tuning the product
    • » Trimming shot length using ripple trims
    • » Adjusting transitions using roll trims
    • » Changing content and position: Slip and slide
    • » Performing top and tail edits


    Additional Editing Techniques

    • » Using markers for organization
    • » Understanding track and clip behavior
    • » Undoing and Redoing actions
    • » Modifying buttons on the user interface
    • » Taking advantage of Scene Edit Detection

    Basic Audio Editing

    • » Building the soundtrack
    • » Editing your music
    • » Adjusting audio volume
    • » Keyframing audio volume
    • » Working with double-system sound

    Working with Stills and Graphics

    • » Working with stills
    • » Animating stills

    Working with Effects

    • » Correcting and changing your footage
    • » Using basic motion effects
    • » Working with transition effects
    • » Applying and modifying video effects
    • » Keyframing effects over time
    • » Masking and tracking effects
    • » Understanding rendering options


    Manipulating Clip Speed

    • » Creating freeze frames and stills
    • » Performing fit-to-fill editing
    • » Changing clip speed with the Rate Stretch tool
    • » Using the Speed Duration tool
    • » Variable speed changes with time remapping

    Basic Colour Correction

    • » Fixing and enhancing color
    • » Colour correction: Analyzing shots
    • » Reading video scopes
    • » Using basic colour correction tools
    • » Using Curves
    • » Comparing and matching color corrections

    Working with Titles

    • » Using text to inform and elevate the project
    • » Creating basic titles with the Graphics Titler
    • » Animating and finishing titles
    • » Working in the Essential Graphics window

    Finishing and Exporting

    • » Finishing your project: Export and delivery
    • » Changing aspect ratio with Auto Reframe
    • » Exporting your project
    • » Batch exporting with Adobe Media Encoder
    • » Using Quick Export
    • Online:
    • Aug 14-16
    • Sep 18-20
    • Oct02-04
    • Nov 06-08
    • Dec 16-18