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    Where is it?

    Due to Covid-19, all courses
    are online in real time with
    a real instructor.

    What’s included

    Why choose us?

    Training Montréal - Money Back Guarantee
    Most classes are guaranteed to run. Training is available on your choice of Mac or PC.

    Document Design in Word « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $550 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Solid foundation in MS Word.

    A well-designed document reflects well on you because a good page layout makes any document more readable. Your audience is more likely to read and remember it. In this course, you’ll learn how to use basic design principles to make your work attract attention. After this course, you will be proud of your Word documents look, and surprised at how much time you saved making them. 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request
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    Microsoft Project – Advanced « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $650 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Project Essentials or sufficient experience with MS Project.

    This one-day seminar is for people with experience in Microsoft Project. We cover managing and reporting to management with multi-project roll-up responsibilities. You will see how to share resources across multiple projects. You will learn how to customize views, columns, filters and other Project objects for custom views and printout. You will also learn how to print Microsoft Project’s built-in reports and how to customize your own reports. 


    • Online:
    • Please call for dates
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    Microsoft Power BI « click for details
    2 days | | $1,190 PLUS TAX


    This two-day course provides students with the knowledge and skills to analyze data with Power BI. 


    • Online:
    • Aug 14-15
    • Sep 16-17
    • Oct 07-08
    • Nov 13-14
    • Dec 17-18
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    Dealing with Difficult People « click for details
    2 Days | Groups only | 14 hours | $1275 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: none

    Some people, despite our best efforts, leave us feeling frustrated and annoyed. The ability to handle difficult people and manage disruptive behaviour is a life changing skill. Thankfully, it’s one you can learn and this workshop teaches you how. You’ll come away with practical knowledge that makes you stronger.  


    • Runs on request for 5 or more
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    Excel – Power Query « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $449 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Experience with Excel

    No matter where your data comes from – whether it’s a small or very large data set – you can connect, clean, analyze, and share your data faster using Power Query. This course guides you through the essentials of data extraction and transformation, teaching you to seamlessly integrate data from multiple sources and transform the time-consuming chore of data preparation into an efficient, automated process. 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request. Please call to arrange dates.
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    Excel – Financial Forecasting « click for details
    1⁄2 Day | 3 hours | $349 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Excel Level 1

    Forecasting is a valuable tool in business planning. It allows you to reliably predict company performance, trends, etc. Forecasting applies to expenses as well as revenues, and can provide a clearer understanding of future profits and losses. Ultimately, business forecasting enables better decision-making. Historical data is analyzed to detect patterns which helps to predict future […] 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request for 2 or more. Please call for dates
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    Excel – Finance Functions « click for details
    1⁄2 Day | 3 hours | $299 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Excel Level 1

    This course is especially beneficial to accountants, financial managers, and analysts. We explore: » determining monthly payments for a loan» creating an amortization table for a mortgage» computing present and future value for a series of payments or amounts» calculating internal rate of return for cash flows» calculating the number of months to pay off […] 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request for 2 or more. Please call for dates
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    Excel – Custom Training « click for details
    1–2 Days | 7–14 hours | $399/day PLUS TAX


    When other Excel courses do not fit your needs, you can cherry-pick your own topics of interest and create a course agenda that meets your needs. If you want, we can help you plan exactly how you want to enhance your productivity with Excel. Custom Training courses have a very high satisfaction rating from our […] 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request for 2 or more. Please call for dates
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    I think the delivery was great, it was what I demand from a trainer. Kudos to Ben. He seemed to be very very in tune with the students. Jamie

    Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy

    Plans change, and we can accommodate all reasonable requests. Sometimes there are hard costs
    involved but we’ll work with you to reduce or avoid them altogether. Please direct all cancellation
    and rescheduling emails to

