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    Due to Covid-19, all courses
    are online in real time with
    a real instructor.

    What’s included

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    Training Montréal - Money Back Guarantee
    Most classes are guaranteed to run. Training is available on your choice of Mac or PC.

    Microsoft PowerPoint – Essentials « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $349 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: None.

    This course teaches the basics of creating, editing, and sharing presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint. You will learn how to build a slideshow from scratch, or leverage PowerPoint templates and themes for quick construction. We’ll show you how to add and edit text, images, graphs, video, and animation; format slides for consistency; and add speaker notes to ensure a smooth delivery. 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request. Please call
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    Microsoft Outlook – Quickstart « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $349 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Good knowledge of the Windows environment.

    In this class, you will learn to send and receive e-mail, to work with contacts, calendars, task lists, notes, and the journal. You will connect to your social media, cloud, and other mail accounts and we’ll give you tips on how to quickly and efficiently read, organize and send your mail. 


    • Runs on request for 3 or more
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    Microsoft Excel – Level 1 « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $349 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Familiarity with computers

    This one-day course teaches you the basics of work books and work sheets. You will learn how to enter and format data, text, and formulas; how to use pre-defined functions for basic calculations; and how to avoid errors. You will also learn how to organize and manage lists and tables (including sorting, filtering, and analyzing). 


    • Online:
    • Aug 07
    • Aug 29
    • Sep 10
    • Sep 01
    • Sep 25
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    Microsoft Excel – Level 2 « click for details
    2 Days | 14 hours | $549 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Knowledge of Excel 1

    With this intermediate Excel course you’ll really ramp up your productivity. Using robust formulas and surprisingly simple techniques, you will be slicing and dicing to discover the power of data analysis. You’ll create Pivot Tables, build fully functional financial dashboards, and complete relevant exercises. At this level, Excel is an eye-opener. 


    • Online:
    • Aug 12-13
    • Sep 12-13
    • Oct 09-10
    • Nov 06-07
    • Nov 26-27
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    Microsoft Excel – Level 3 « click for details
    2 Days | 14 hours | $549 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Knowledge of Excel 2

    Are you an advanced Excel user? Do you need to consolidate data from several worksheets, work with external data, or perform What-IFs? Would you like to learn how to use macros or create rolling charts? This two-day course will teach you all that and a whole lot more with sought-after techniques and formulas. Where the entire class is using Excel 365 or later, you will be introduced to the exciting new Dynamic Array formulas. 


    • Online:
    • Aug 20-21
    • Sep 18-19
    • Oct 15-16
    • Nov 20-21
    • Dec 23-24
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    Excel – Power Query « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $449 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Experience with Excel

    No matter where your data comes from – whether it’s a small or very large data set – you can connect, clean, analyze, and share your data faster using Power Query. This course guides you through the essentials of data extraction and transformation, teaching you to seamlessly integrate data from multiple sources and transform the time-consuming chore of data preparation into an efficient, automated process. 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request. Please call to arrange dates.
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    Dynamic Arrays « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $449 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Knowledge of Excel 2

    Dynamic Arrays are the most significant enhancement to Excel in years. Traditional array formulas (one formula, multiple results) have always been possible but they’re complicated and cumbersome to use, and usually require careful replication. New functions you will learn include: XLOOKUP, UNIQUE, FILTER, and SORT. Now, with Dynamic Arrays, formulas are simpler and easier to manage, and they usually require no replication at all. Dynamic Arrays are available to users of Excel 365 or later. 


    • Online: Runs on request. Please call.
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    Microsoft Excel – Pivot Tables « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $449 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Knowledge of Excel 1

    Pivot Tables – one of the most powerful features of Excel – allow large amounts of data to be summarized and analyzed with just a few mouse clicks, and without any formulas. You'll be able to drag and drop fields directly into a Pivot Table to change your report layout to whatever you want, whenever you want. This one-day workshop culminates in building a sophisticated, yet uncomplicated dashboard that communicates financial information with power and ease you never thought possible. 


    • Online:
    • Aug 16
    • Sep 26
    • Oct 17
    • Dec 11
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    Excel – Financial Forecasting « click for details
    1⁄2 Day | 3 hours | $349 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Excel Level 1

    Forecasting is a valuable tool in business planning. It allows you to reliably predict company performance, trends, etc. Forecasting applies to expenses as well as revenues, and can provide a clearer understanding of future profits and losses. Ultimately, business forecasting enables better decision-making. Historical data is analyzed to detect patterns which helps to predict future […] 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request for 2 or more. Please call for dates
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    Excel – Finance Functions « click for details
    1⁄2 Day | 3 hours | $299 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Excel Level 1

    This course is especially beneficial to accountants, financial managers, and analysts. We explore: » determining monthly payments for a loan» creating an amortization table for a mortgage» computing present and future value for a series of payments or amounts» calculating internal rate of return for cash flows» calculating the number of months to pay off […] 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request for 2 or more. Please call for dates
    More dates

    This was a very useful course! Michael was patient and clear and he made learning MS Project fun. He also showed me how to save oodles of time. Jenna L.

    Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy

    Plans change, and we can accommodate all reasonable requests. Sometimes there are hard costs
    involved but we’ll work with you to reduce or avoid them altogether. Please direct all cancellation
    and rescheduling emails to

