Contact Us

Contact Us


    Where is it?

    Due to Covid-19, all courses
    are online in real time with
    a real instructor.

    What’s included

    Why choose us?

    Training Montréal - Money Back Guarantee
    Most classes are guaranteed to run. Training is available on your choice of Mac or PC.

    Excel – Custom Training « click for details
    1–2 Days | 7–14 hours | $399/day PLUS TAX


    When other Excel courses do not fit your needs, you can cherry-pick your own topics of interest and create a course agenda that meets your needs. If you want, we can help you plan exactly how you want to enhance your productivity with Excel. Custom Training courses have a very high satisfaction rating from our […] 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request for 2 or more. Please call for dates
    More dates

    I liked the pace of this course. The material covered suited my needs perfectly. Tameshia C.

    Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy

    Plans change, and we can accommodate all reasonable requests. Sometimes there are hard costs
    involved but we’ll work with you to reduce or avoid them altogether. Please direct all cancellation
    and rescheduling emails to

